My Steps in His Paths

Psalms 17:5 Uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip.

Devotional Thought:

Our God delights in assisting us in our walk with Him. He has not called us to take a lonely walk, He told Abraham “walk before me and be perfect”, indicating that He is right behind him. David said “…though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me”.

God wants to be right by our side to prevent us from falling even as we continue in our walk of faith. Knowing this should inspire a believer to pray like David did in our text; uphold my steps in Your paths that my footsteps may not slip.

A quick look at this prayer may give us the impression that we can ask God to uphold our steps in our paths, but when you look at it meditatively you will notice; we can only ask Him to uphold our steps in His paths.

The confidence that David has in approaching Him with this request comes from the fact that he was in His paths. David understood that it is his responsibility to walk in the Lord’s ways and stay in the Lord’s will. We cannot approach God with our will asking God to approve it, we need to ask ourselves and ascertain His will for us.

The bible says we know that He hears us because we ask according to His will. So what is your request? Is it covered by His word? God only supports and upholds when we stay within the boundary of His will. We are sure our footsteps will not slip because our steps are in His paths and in His paths, He is committed to support and uphold us.

Let’s Talk About It.

How can we know God’s will for our lives?

Prayer Starter.

Oh Lord, uphold my steps in Your paths, that my footsteps may not slip in Jesus’ name. Amen

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