Prayer Points for September 2022

Judges 13:19-20

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(Jdg 13:19-20 ESV) “So Manoah took the young goat with the grain offering, and offered it on the rock to the LORD, to the one who works wonders, and Manoah and his wife were watching. And when the flame went up toward heaven from the altar, the angel of the LORD went up in the flame of the altar. Now Manoah and his wife were watching, and they fell on their faces to the ground.”

The Altar of Wonders:

Manoah the father of Samon was one of the men, whose story is connected to the altar in the Bible. Manoah raised an altar, unto the God that works wonders. Manoah’s wife was barren for many years, but she received an angelic visitation, because the Lord has chosen, to birth the next deliverer of Israel through her. After their encounter with the angel of God, they decided to honour the God, who promised to give them a child.

Therefore, Manoah raised an altar unto the Lord, and offered the goat and the grain offering unto the Lord, who works wonders. The bible says, “the angel did wondrous things”. And went up in the flame of the altar. You can always expect wondrous things, where the altar of wonder is being serviced. Few months later, the woman who was tagged barren gave birth to a baby boy. However, the wonder did not end with the birth of the baby, it continues in the nation through the life of the child. Today, we shall be raising the altar of wonders over the month of September; let 2022 be studded with the wonders of God in our lives, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points I

  1. Let us begin to appreciate God for September 2021, for His goodness and His mercies over our lives and that of the members of our families, in the name of Jesus Christ.
  2. Let us begin to commit September 2022 into the hands of God, inviting Him to assume His place in our lives, as our King reigning in righteousness, in Jesus’ name.
  3. Let us commit the days and the nights in September 2022 into God’s hand, that as they begin their operations, they shall favour our course, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 19:1-3)
  4. Let us declare and prophesy, that by the voice of our prayer we raise an altar of wonders over the month of September by the blood of the lamb, in the name of Jesus Christ (Judge 13:19-20).
  5. We declare and prophesy, that throughout 2022 the altar of barrenness shall not prosper in our marriages, ministries, businesses, careers, but we shall be fruitful through the operation of the altar of wonders, in Jesus’ name.
  6. We declare and prophesy, that throughout 2022 by the operation and the speaking of the altar of wonders, we shall excel above the manipulation of the wicked, in the name of Jesus Christ
  7. We declare and prophesy, that all delays and hindances, all barriers and barricades organized against God’s purpose for our lives and destinies shall be mesmerized in 2022, in Jesus’ name (Judges 13

Prayer Points I

  1. We declare and prophesy, that ourselves and our children, and members of our household shall be for signs and wonders throughout 2022, in the name of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 8:18).
  2. We declare and prophesy, that the fruits our body, fruits of our labour, fruits of our our lips, and the child of our imagination and inspiration shall excel, above the operation and the manipulation of the wicked in 2022, in the name of Jesus Christ (Judges)
  3. We declare and prophesy in 2022, that which shall manifest as the outcome of our efforts, or results of our activities, and the products of endeavour shall grow, increase, multiply, through the Spirit of the wonderful God, in the name of Jesus Christ (Judges 13:24-25)
  4. We declare and prophesy, that throughout 2022 we shall function continually, under the influence of the Spirit of wonders, and our lives shall be as a wonder to many, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 71:6-8 )
  5. We declare and prophesy, that in 2022 by the operation of the altar of wonders we shall not be intimidated by the presence of our enemies, we shall excel above satanic predators, and prevail over demonic operations, in Jesus’ name (Judges 14:5-6)
  6. We declare and prophesy, that throughout 2022 our lives shall be filled with wonders without number, miracles without struggles, and exploits unlimted, in Jesus’ name. (Job 9:10)

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