The Good Shepherd

John 10:11 (NKJV) “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.

Devotional Thought

In the Bible days, shepherding is a challenging job. A reliable shepherd is responsible for leading the sheep, to wherever pasture and water can be found. He has the responsibility of protecting and defending the sheep against predators.

He goes after the strayed sheep and bring them back to the fold. The shepherd most often passes the night among the flock, sleeping at the door of sheepfold to guard against sheep straying out in the night, or predators sneaking in to devour. It is a job that is marked with loneliness and danger. It is not a job for the noble, it is a job for the humble.

When the Psalmist said, the Lord is my shepherd, I found it a bit difficult to accept, that the God of the universe, the creator of the heavens and earth, is addressed as a shepherd, until I read, where Jesus Himself declared boldly, that He is a good shepherd. The bible says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.”

Jesus’ Example

Jesus took a humbling job among men. It was not forced on Him, He took it by choice. He is the shepherd of the church, and He does more than it is expected of Him. He laid down His life for His sheep. If we willingly follow Him, we can boldly declare like the Psalmist, “I shall not want”.

 He knows, where pastures are greener, and where the waters are still and refreshing. He can handle everything, and anything the enemy place on our path of fulfilment. You should get up with confidence and conviction every day, knowing that surely goodness and mercy are following you, because God is going ahead you.

There is nothing that can stop you, because you have a Shepherd, who is there to walk you through every valley, and climb with you every mountain. Get ready, because before this year runs out, God will humiliate the enemy in your life. The Lord will set before you a table, for the very thing the enemy said, can never take place in your life again, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let’s Talk About it

How can you demonstrate your trust in the Good Shepherd?

Prayer Starter:

Father, let Your goodness and mercy, make happen for me, before the year ends, what the enemy thought can never happen again, in the name of Jesus Christ.

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