The Wonders of Waiting

Hebrews 6:15 (NIV) “After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”

Devotional Thought

Waiting is one of the most difficult postures in the spirit; yet one of the most rewarding. Some of the wonderful deeds of God happened, after waiting. Most of the heroes of faith waited as a demonstration of their faith in God’s promises.

Noah waited for one hundred and twenty years, to see the promise of God and the salvation of his household. Abraham and Sarah waited for twenty-five years, to receive the promised child. Moses was forty years tending the flock, while waiting for the promise, to be a deliverer of God’s chosen people.

Joseph waited for thirteen years, went from the pit, to the prison, before he saw his dream fulfilled. Wonders always follow waiting, the Bible says, “After waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”

It is your turn to enjoy the wonders of waiting; you cannot give up at this moment. Don’t follow the step of Saul, the man who gave up on waiting, at the verge of his appointed time. Saul was instructed to wait seven days, until Samuel comes to offer the necessary sacrifice. But he gave up at the beginning of the end of his waiting, what a tragedy!

You will not give up at the edge of your breakthrough, in Jesus’ name. Waiting equips you with character necessary to maintain the miracle. It builds in you humility, patience and endurance. If you are waiting for anything from the Lord, please take your time to enjoy your season of waiting, with confident assurance, that He who has promised is faithful, who will also do it. 

Let’s Talk About It

Why do men give up on waiting on God?

Prayer Starter.

Father, I declare that all through the days of my appointed time, will I wait till my change comes, in Jesus’ name.

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