Watch What You Are Thinking 

Devotional Thought

Our text today from Philippians 4:8 implies the need to watch what you are thinking about. Thinking is very important to living. It affects your vision, confession, action, and the interpretation of other people’s actions and reactions. Thus thinking the right thought, therefore puts you on the right track, for success in every field of endeavour.

Your thoughts are influenced, by what your mind is exposed to. What the mind feeds on, determines what a man lives on. So, the only limitation in a man’s life is set by the way he thinks.

Our thinking sets the boundary for our living. Every major breakthrough in life begins with a change in the way a man thinks. What are you thinking about? What do you feed your mind on?

God is interested in what we think, and how we think. He challenges us, in the scriptures to upgrade our thought, and He gives us a catalogue of what to think on. We are to feed our mind on what is true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, good report, virtue, and praiseworthy.

We need to cast out of our mind any thought that does not fit into this list. This is because we cannot live better than we think. The importance of exposing our mind to the word of God, must not be treated with levity.

The word of God is the expression of the thought of God, He declares: My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. When we think or meditate on the word of God, we are rubbing our minds, with higher thoughts.

No one rises higher in life than his level of thinking. Better living begins, with better thinking; victorious living with victorious thinking. Think on these things.

Prayer Starter:

Father, by the blood of Jesus, I blot out, any thought and idea that conflict with Your word, in Jesus’ name.

Let’s talk about it

What changes will you make this week with regards to the things you think about?

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