When the Door Opens

Psalm 105:20 (NLT) “Then Pharaoh sent for him and set him free; the ruler of the nation opened his prison door.”

Devotional Thought

Let me quickly share with you what you should expect when the doors begin to open, because you will need it. There is always a junction in a man’s life, when it seems as if he stands, before a closed door. Everything is just not working; his activity and productivity are restricted. He is doing so much, but getting very little result, or he gets no reward for his effort at all.

There is no record of anything new. Everything seems to stand still. I don’t know if you have been there before. You need God to breakthrough for you, and you have prayed all the prayers necessary, but no changes. Prayer begins to look to you, like a waste of time.

You desperately need someone, to open this door, because you know that changes come, when the doors begin to open. This was the case with Joseph, until one day that the king sent for him. The bible says, “Then Pharaoh sent for him and set him free; the ruler of the nation opened his prison door.”

Watch this, when the door that kept Joseph in the prison opened, it opened into the palace. I have good news for you. The door is opened already. Every door that has kept you and hedged you in, is giving way this month, in Jesus’ name.

The Signs of an Open Door

When the door was opened for Joseph, his location changed, from the prison, to the palace. Your location is changing this month, in the name of Jesus Christ. You cannot remain in the same place you have been since January, get set for a change.

Please notice, when the door was opened for Joseph, his position changed, from a prisoner, to a statesman. Your position is changing this month. It does not matter how you came into this month; you are not leaving the same way. Your status must change, your old status shall give way to a new status, in Jesus’ name.

Furthermore, when the door opened for Joseph, his fashion changed from prison garment, to royal apparel. This month, your garment shall change, no more mourning. The Lord shall give you a garment of praise, in exchange for the spirit of heaviness. Access shall be granted to you this month, in Jesus’ name. You shall sit at the table, with men and women you least expected, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let’s Talk About It:

What is the right step to take when the door open?

Prayer Starter

Father let every door that is significant to my change, open this month, in Jesus’ name.

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