August Prayer Newsletter

This is August prayer Newsletter. August is declared, as our month of total freedom. We have prepared the prayer points specifically for this month. We encourage you to rise up by 12:00 am, to make some declarations over the month of August. We look forward to hearing your testimonies of total freedom this month, in the name of Jesus Christ.

The Unfailing Strategy for Freedom

Exodus 7:1-2 (KJV) “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.”

The freedom of the children of Israel, from the Egyptians’ slavery did not come easy. Pharaoh resisted their freedom, with all the power in his possession. If God had not given Moses the strategy, freedom would have been impossible.

The Lord trained Moses, and gave him the strategy to secure the freedom of His people. The instruction that God gave Moses, underscored the strategy for confronting the spirit of Pharaoh. It is a universal strategy, for winning over the forces of the enemy.

First, Moses was instructed not to approach Pharaoh as Moses, but as a god. It is very important that in warfare, we are conscious of our identity in Christ, as sons and daughters of God. Second, Moses was instructed not to speak his own words, but the word of God. Our effectiveness in warfare is guaranteed, as we face the enemy by the authority of the written word.

Prayer Points I

  1. Let us begin to appreciate the Lord for the month July, for His kindness and faithfulness towards us and members of our family
  2. Let us begin to commit the month of August into the hands of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ
  3. Let us declare, that the days and the nights in the month of August, shall favour our course, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 19:1-3.)
  4. Let us ask the Lord, to manifest Himself as our Great Shepherd, leading us to places, where testimonies await us, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 23:1-6)
  5. Father, I confront and conquer every wicked power, that has held me back from entering my season of celebration in Jesus’ name. (Exodus 5:1)
  6. Father, let every power that is despising Your authority over my life and family, be disgraced and humiliated, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Exodus 5:2)

Prayer Points II

  1. Father, let every power resisting my complete freedom, be laid to rest by divine judgement, in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 5:2)
  2. Father, let any satanic taskmaster, assigned over my life and destiny suffer brain damage, in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 5:14)
  3. Father, bring me out of every burden of the Egyptians, and set me free from all bondages, and redeem me with your outstretched arm, and with Your great judgements, in the name of Jesus Christ (Exodus 6:6).
  4. Father, let every Midianite spirit, assigned to destroy my harvest, and the fruit of my labour, be wasted by the consuming fire of God, in Jesus’ name.  (Judges 6:3-6)
  5. Father, I enforce my freedom from every power exercising dominion over the work of my hands, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Judges 6:3-6)
  6. Father, I declare that my finances, my business, my investment and project, are free from the influence of the Midianite spirit, in Jesus’ name. (Judges 6:3-6)

Prayer Points III

  1. Father, let the investment of Sanballats and Tobias over my life and destiny be frustrated, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Nehemiah 2:9-10)
  2. Every power, that is troubled and distured with the goodnews of my wellbeing and welfare, receive immediate judgement of fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.  (Nehemiah 2:9-10)
  3. Father, let every satanic agenda and arrangement, to rob me of my inheritance be dissapointed, in the name of Jesus Christ. (1 Kings 19:1)
  4. Father, let every power claiming ownership and dominion over your blessing in my life, be rendered powerless and useless in the name of Jesus Christ (1 Kings 20:1-4)
  5. Father, let every situation that undermines, and underrates Your dominion and authority in my life and family, be laid to rest permanently, in the name of Jesus Christ. (1 Kings 20:23-30)
  6. Father, let my head be lifted up, give me a more prominent status among the same people who have witnessed my pain, in Jesus’ name. (2 Kings 25:27-28)
  7. Father, let every garment of affliction and dishonour, that the enemy has succeeded in placing on my life, be rent into pieces today. Clothe me with the garment of honour and dignity, in Jesus’ name (2 Kings 25:29-30)

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