February 2025 Prayer Newsletter

This is the February 2025 Prayer Newsletter. February is declared as our month of Great Victories. We have prepared the prayer points specifically for this month. We encourage you to rise by midnight to make some declarations over February . We look forward to hearing your testimonies of Great Victories, in the name of Jesus Christ. (October Prayer Newsletter)

Great Victories Through Wise Counsel

Proverbs 24:6 LEB “For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel.”


David is one of many Bible kings who did not lose any battle. He always wins in any battle he goes for. One of the secrets that accounts for this is his habit of always consulting with God for guidance, about each battle he has to fight. In his war against the Philistines, it was recorded, “So, David inquired of the Lord…” (1 Samuel 5:19), and the outcome of the battle was also documented, “David defeated them there…” (1 Samuel 5:20). 

The Philistines recruited a new army and came back to fight, and David also repeated the process. The Bible says, “Therefore David inquired of the Lord…” (2 Samuel 5:23) and the enemy was defeated again because the Bible says, “And David did so, as the Lord commanded him; and he drove back the Philistines from Geba as far as Gezer” (2 Samuel 5:25). Victory is possible all the time, when God is your guide and counselor. 

Legacy of Victory

When David was training his son, Solomon, he said to him, “For with wise guidance you shall make war for yourself, and victory [is] in an abundance of counsel. The same guidelines the Holy Spirit is giving you today, you need wise guidance and godly counsel to enjoy victory all the time. 

From David’s life, we can learn that yesterday’s strategy, may not win today’s battle; we need to be up to date with God. If David had faced the new battle, with the strategy that won the old battle, he would have been defeated by the Philistines. I know that what God did yesterday, He can do it today, and forever more, but sometimes God changes His strategy and method while maintaining His principles. 

To enjoy the full benefit of what God said yesterday, you need to know what God is saying today. A lot of failures and defeats recorded by many in business, career, project, vision, and ministry, would have been averted, if the habit of getting God’s guidance for every move had been formed. 

I prophesy victory, in every of your move this month, in the name of Jesus Christ. Every day this month, as you go out, you shall return rejoicing, with songs of victory, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Prayer Points I

  1. Father, bring about a great victory for me this month as I rise by the power of the Holy Spirit against the wicked and their wickedness which they have projected against my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, I declare and decree, that my hand shall not be weary, it shall stick to the sword until my victory is established, in the name of Jesus Christ [2 Samuel 23:10]
  1. Father, honor me and make me famous, put Your glory-garments upon me, and surround me with splendor and majesty, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, let Your victory heap blessing after blessing upon me, and cause me to taste joy and gladness, rejoicing before Your face all through this month, in Jesus’ name [ Psalms 21:5-6 TPT]
  1. Father, I station myself in the middle of my family, business, career, ministry, assignment, investment, project, purpose, and pursuit, to defend it by the power of the Holy Spirit, I raise the blood of the everlasting covenant in defense of my family and finances, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, I demolish and destroy the wickedness of the wicked, and the weaknesses of men fashioned against my life and destiny, and I enforce great victory by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ [I Chronicles 11:14; 2 Samuel 23:12]
  1. Father, I declare and decree, that my love for You shall passionately increase, and I shall be saturated with an ecstatic joy, indescribably sublime and immersed in glory, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, I declare and decree, that I shall reap the harvest of my faith, the full salvation You promised me, and my soul shall triumph in victory, in the name of Jesus Christ [1 Peter 1:8-9 TPT]

Prayer Point II

  1. Father, I declare and decree, I am born of God and I have overcome the world and its wickedness, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, by faith in the integrity of Your word and the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, I enforce great victory over sickness, disease, oppression, and manipulation of the enemy, and I subdue them, in the name of Jesus’ Christ [1 John 5:4].
  1. Father, I declare and decree, that this is the very month of the Lord that brings gladness and joy, filling my heart with joy, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, save me again, bring me Your breakthrough-victory in my business, career, assignment, investment, project, pursuit and purpose, in the name of Jesus Christ [Psalms 118:24-25 TPT]
  1. Father, I confess and affirm, that the testimony and victory I am expecting this month cannot be won by the multitude of my connections, or resourcefulness, I thereby declare and decree, that my victory comes from You alone. Oh Lord, I declare and decree, that the credit of the testimonies of great victories in my life shall be attributed to Your intervention alone, and no man will take the glory, in the name of Jesus Christ [Judges 7:2 TPT]
  1. Father, empower me for greatness and honor this month, make me honorable in the sight of those that matter to my new season and next level, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, honor me with success and victory every effort and step I take this month in my responsibility and roles, in my field, industry, institution, organization, and nation, in the name of Jesus Christ, [2 Kings 5:1].

Prayer Points III 

  1. Father, arise for my help when I need it, give me grace and get me back on my feet, so that I can triumph over life challenges, and the enemy attacks, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, allow me to taste great victories over all my circumstances, challenges and conspiracy of the wicked in the name of Jesus Christ [Psalms 41:10-11 TPT]
  1. Father. I declare and decree that this month, You shall break through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Oh Lord, I declare and decree that this month of great victories, I shall defeat the enemy no matter the angle they come from, in the name of Jesus Christ [1 Chronicles 14:11]
  1. Father, defeat the good advice of anyone closer to me which the enemy is leveraging on for battle advantage against me, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, turn their counsel into foolishness to the intent that they might come to disaster, in the name of Jesus Christ [2 Samuel 17:14 ]
  1. Father, I declare and decree, that by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I escape the pollution of the world, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, I declare and decree that I shall never be entangled or overcome with the pollution of the world, in the name of Jesus Christ [2 Peter 2:20]. 
Picture of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan
Rotimi Oluwaseyitan

Rotimi Oluwaseyitan is the Lead Pastor at Christ Royal Assembly and founder of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Ministries. He has authored six books, including Exceeding Riches of His Grace, GraceNow Devotional, Prophetic Prayer Handbook, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Dealing with the Spirit of Herod, and the Mistakes of Lot. He is passionate about prayer and the word. He hosts a monthly prayer meeting online every first day of the month.

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