May 2024 Prayer Newsletter

This is the May 2024 Prayer Newsletter. May is declared as our month of great peace. We have prepared the prayer points specifically for this month. We’d like to encourage you to rise by midnight to make some declarations over May.
We look forward to hearing your testimonies of great peace this month in the name of Jesus Christ (May prayer newsletter)

The Lord’s Blessing of Peace

[Psa 33:17-18 NKJV] 17 “A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength. 18 Behold, the eye of the LORD [is] on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy.”


In the hustle and bustle of life, peace can often feel like a distant dream. But in the midst of chaos, there’s a promise that resonates through the ages, one that speaks directly to the depths of our souls. Psalms 29:11, a beacon of hope in the Scriptures, reminds us of a profound truth: “The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.”

Isn’t it remarkable how intertwined strength and peace are? The verse doesn’t just assure us of tranquility, but also of fortitude. Peace isn’t merely the absence of turmoil; it’s the presence of an unwavering calm that carries us through life’s storms.

Imagine a sturdy tree standing tall amidst a fierce storm. Its branches may sway, and its leaves may rustle, but its roots remain firmly anchored in the soil. Similarly, when the winds of life threaten to uproot us, God’s peace grounds us, allowing us to stand firm and resilient.

Yet, this peace isn’t merely a passive state; it’s an active blessing bestowed upon us by the Lord our God. It’s a divine empowerment that enables us to navigate challenges with grace and courage. It’s the tranquil assurance that we are not alone, that His guiding presence leads us through every twist and turn of our journey.

As we enter the new month, let us be grateful for His blessing of strength to strength, and as we knock on the door for His blessing of great peace, may we find ourselves walking in the fullness of His provision of great peace, in Jesus’ name.

Prayer Points I

  1. Father, this month of May, lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace from war, crisis, trouble, confusion, and hardship, causing us to enjoy sound health, wealth, welfare, wholeness, and prosperity, in Jesus’ name (Number 6:26 KJV).

  2. Father, thank You for Your promise, we receive peace in our family, business, ministry, career, project, assignment, investment, and city. Oh Lord, we declare and decree, that we shall lie down in peace, and none shall make us afraid, and our lives and everything connected to us shall be devoid of the evil beast and the destructive sword of the wicked, in Jesus’ name. (Lev. 26:6)

  3. Father, we declare and decree, that throughout this month, and the rest of our lives, we shall dwell and enjoy dominion over all power of the enemy, and we shall enjoy all-round peace, whether at home or abroad, in the name of Jesus Christ (1 Kings 4:24-25 KJV).

  4. Father, we declare and decree, that the helpers appointed, ordained, and assigned to help and assist us this month, shall enjoy peace, and a settled state of mind to enable them to discharge their assignment effectively, in Jesus’ name (1 Chronicles 12:18 KJV)

Prayer Points II

  1. Father, we declare and decree, that our children shall be men and women of rest, and they shall enjoy rest from all their enemies round about, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, let our children continue to grow up and thrive in an atmosphere of peace and quietness all through the days of their lives, in Jesus’ name (1 Chronicles 22:9 KJV).

  2. Father, we declare and decree, no violence, incidence, embarrassment, harassment, or unrest both natural, unnatural or demonic from the stones or the beasts of the field, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, we declare and decree, that the stones and beasts of the field shall be at peace with us, and our family shall abide in peace and our home shall remain secured, in Jesus’ name (Job 5:23-24)

  3. Father this month, empower our submission to You and Your word to another level, causing us to abide in peace with You, causing prosperity to come to us this month and for the rest our of lives, in Jesus’ name (Job 22:21 NIV)

  4. Father, we declare and decree, that this month we shall have no reason to lose our sleep, we shall lie down in peace and sleep at once no matter what is happening in or around us, we shall not be shaken or afraid, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 4:8 TPT)

Prayer Points III

  1. Father, we declare and decree, that we shall inherit every promise and enjoy abundant peace, and it shall be evident in our lives and conduct, that we are blameless and spiritually maturing as we possess a peaceful, prosperous future with happy ending, in the name of Jesus Christ (Psalms 37:11, 37 TPT)

  2. Father, we declare and decree safety, security, and peace over every fight and the tide of battle that has been raised and turned against us, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, expose and disappoint every act of betrayal fashioned to undermine Your blessing of peace in our lives, in Jesus’ name (Psalms 55:18,20 TPT)

  3. Father, we declare and decree, that this month the best of everything both spiritually and materially shall be our portion and experience, and peace and prosperity shall be our government and righteousness shall be our overseer, in the name of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 60:17 TPT)

  4. Father, we declare and decree, that this month great peace shall be our reality, threats of violence will not be heard in our family, destruction and ruin shall not be found within our borders, our walls shall be salvation and our gatespraise, in the name of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 60:18 TPT)

Picture of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan
Rotimi Oluwaseyitan

Rotimi Oluwaseyitan is the Lead Pastor at Christ Royal Assembly and founder of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Ministries. He has authored six books, including Exceeding Riches of His Grace, GraceNow Devotional, Prophetic Prayer Handbook, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Dealing with the Spirit of Herod, and the Mistakes of Lot. He is passionate about prayer and the word. He hosts a monthly prayer meeting online every first day of the month.

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