Prayer Points for February 2025

Here are the prayer points for February 2025. To read the introduction to 12 Days prophetic prayer and fasting, please GO HERE

[Judges 3:10 NKJV] “The Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he judged Israel. He went out to war, and the LORD delivered Cushan-Rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand; and his hand prevailed over Cushan-Rishathaim.”

The Spirit of the Lord:

The Holy Spirit in His role as the Spirit of the Lord, equips and empowers us for victory in life’s battles. Whether the warfare is physical or spiritual, no one should engage without the assurance of His divine empowerment. As Proverbs 21:31 reminds us, “The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.” This underscores the truth that every true victory stems from the active presence and work of the Spirit of the Lord in and through us.

Othniel’s triumph exemplifies this reality. His success over Cushan-Rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, was not the result of personal strength or strategy, but was entirely due to the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It was the Spirit of the Lord who strengthened his hand and delivered the enemy into his grasp.

Indeed, the Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of victory. In Him resides the anointing, the strategy, and the power for triumph over every challenge. Every story of victory, whether in battle or life can be traced to His ministry.

As we look toward February 2025, we seek a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon our lives. Let Him equip us with divine strategy, empower us with supernatural strength, and endue us with the anointing for victory, not only in battles, but over all of life’s challenges. May we walk in the fullness of His power, and experience the breakthrough that comes through His mighty presence.

Prayer Points I

  1. Let us appreciate the Lord for February 2024, for the wall of wealth that surrounded us and members of our family all through the month, in the name of Jesus Christ [Proverbs 18:11 NLT].
  2. Let us begin to commit February 2025 into the hands of the Lord, asking for a fresh outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord upon our lives, our spouses and children, in the name of Jesus Christ [Acts 2:17].
  3. Father, we declare and prophesy that all through 2025 the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon us continually, empowering us to reign, rule, and discharge out duties with uncommon success and victory over every resistance or opposition from the camp of the wicked, in the name of Jesus Christ [Judges 3:10].
  4. Father, we declare and prophesy, that the Spirit of the Lord shall take possession, clothe and envelop us all through 2025, making us effective, successful, productive, and victorious in all our engagements, endeavors, and labors, in the name of Jesus Christ [Judges 6:33-35 TPT].

Prayer Point II

  1. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025 we shall be empowered for victory, success, prosperity by the Spirit of the Lord. We shall abide in the strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, and remain unstoppable, invincible accomplishing our mission, fulfilling our assignment without hinderance, in the name of Jesus Christ, [Judges 11:29-31 TPT].
  2. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025, no lion of life shall be able to stand or survive against us and family. We declare that we are designed and empowered by the Spirit of the Lord for exploit, and the lions of 2025 shall be ripped off by the strength of the Spirit of the Lord, in Jesus’ name [Judges 14:6 NLT].
  3. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025 the influence and the impact of the Spirit of the Lord shall be strong upon us making, victory, success, prosperity, and exploit a common phenomenon in our lives and endeavors, in the name of Jesus Christ [Judges 14:19 NLT].
  4. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025, nothing shall be able to catch us unawares, or keep us in bondage. The Spirit of the Lord shall make us quick in responding to any attack, invasion, oppression, opposition, and manipulation of the enemy, giving us upper hand over the wicked, in the name of Jesus Christ [Judges 15:14 NLT].

Prayer Points III

  1. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025 we shall keep manifesting the best version of us with continuous fresh outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. Oh Lord, we declare, that we shall not be left behind or left out in Your move in our city, we shall partake of all You have ordained for all the saints by the power of the Spirit of the Lord, in Jesus’ name [1 Samuel 10:6 NLT].
  2. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025 the Spirit of the Lord will not withdraw, leave or depart from us in any shape or form, in the name of Jesus Christ. We shall remain connected and submitted to His leadership and operation in our lives, in Jesus’ name [1 Samuel 16:14]. 
  3. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025, the Spirit of the Lord shall continue to speak through us, and His words shall constantly be upon our tongues, causing our words, utterances, contributions, counsels, and interaction with people to be God-glorifying and life impacting, in Jesus’ name [ 1Samuel 23:2 NLT].
  4. Father, we declare and prophesy, that all through 2025, we shall enjoy rest on every side by the generosity of the Spirit of the Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. We declare and prophesy, that we shall be led continually by the Spirit of the Lord, bringing glory, honor, and magnificent reputation to the Lord by the outcome of our lives, in Jesus’ name [Isaiah 63:14 NLT].

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