The Atmosphere for Signs and Wonders

Devotional Thought

The atmosphere for signs and wonders is created by testimony. Testimony bears witness to the Lord’s miraculous working power in the lives of the testifiers. They have tasted, seen, and handled it, and cannot deny it. Because a testimony is a type of praise, it will always move God to act. Praise might be conveyed through songs or testimony, but it always creates habitation for the God of miracles and wonders.

David did not only sing about God’s miracles but also testified to God’s wonders in his life. It is recorded, “David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said unto David, Go, and the LORD be with thee.” (1 Samuel 17:37)

If you have ever enjoyed God’s faithfulness, you have everything it takes to attract signs and wonders. Don’t keep your testimony to yourself; share it; it might be exactly what someone needs to hear to connect with the God of signs and wonders. According to the Bible, faith comes through hearing, and hearing comes from God’s word.

Your testimony strengthens your faith and the listeners’ faith and produces a climate conducive to signs and wonders. The force of testifying accomplished the wonders of victory over the wickedness of the enemy. Through the power of his testimony, David created an atmosphere conducive to success; you are the next to testify. Your adversaries will be terrified if you testify; do not keep quiet.

Let’s Talk About It

In what ways can you use your testimony to provoke faith in others?

Prayer Starter

Father, You are a wonder-working God, and there is none like You. Let my life be a testimony of Your wondrous deeds this week, in Jesus’ name.

Picture of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan
Rotimi Oluwaseyitan

Rotimi Oluwaseyitan is the Lead Pastor at Christ Royal Assembly and founder of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Ministries. He has authored six books, including Exceeding Riches of His Grace, GraceNow Devotional, Prophetic Prayer Handbook, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Dealing with the Spirit of Herod, and the Mistakes of Lot. He is passionate about prayer and the word. He hosts a monthly prayer meeting online every first day of the month.

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