The Path of People’s Opinions

Devotional Thought

The path of people’s opinion is destructive; if you don’t believe, ask Saul the king. The Lord sent Saul on an errand against the Amalekites with explicit instructions about what to do. He went to execute the assignment but failed to complete his work as instructed.

When Samuel asked Saul why he did not obey the voice of the Lord, Saul responded, “…I feared the people and obeyed their voice.” -1 Samuel 15:24 Hmmm! “I feared the people and obeyed their voice.”

Saul expresses the challenges of many believers today. They care too much about what people say and what the people think of them. Many have taken a step contrary to what they believe and know to be God’s will for their lives because they respect others’ opinions.

Those who exalt the voice of men above the voice of God never live to their full potential. Saul is a good example; he was rejected from being king of Israel because he valued people’s opinions more than God’s instruction.

Anytime you think of people’s opinions about what God has instructed you to do, remember this. It is better to honor God’s voice and disappoint people than to respect people’s views and dishonor God’s voice.

Who will defend you if you choose to dishonor God’s voice for people’s opinions when God rises against you? Where were the people when God rejected Saul from being king of Israel?

The path of people’s opinion is a path you should not follow; be comfortable with what God says about you, and live the life God has called you to live.

Prayer Starter

Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I break free of people’s opinion of me, in Jesus’ name.

Let’s Talk About It

How do you treat the opinion of the people you respect when it conflicts with the voice of God in your life?

Picture of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan
Rotimi Oluwaseyitan

Rotimi Oluwaseyitan is the Lead Pastor at Christ Royal Assembly and founder of Rotimi Oluwaseyitan Ministries. He has authored six books, including Exceeding Riches of His Grace, GraceNow Devotional, Prophetic Prayer Handbook, The fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Dealing with the Spirit of Herod, and the Mistakes of Lot. He is passionate about prayer and the word. He hosts a monthly prayer meeting online every first day of the month.

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