The Atmosphere for Signs and Wonders

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Atmosphere for Signs and Wonders Devotional Thought The atmosphere for signs and wonders is created by testimony. Testimony bears witness to the Lord’s miraculous working power in the lives of the testifiers. They have tasted, seen, and handled it, and cannot deny it. Because a testimony is a type of praise, it will always […]

The Key to Securing Unique Supplies

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Key to Securing Unique Supplies Devotional Thought Extraordinary acts of generosity are the key to securing unique supplies from His riches in glory. The Philippians church was one of the churches planted by Paul the apostle. It is one church that demonstrated and communicated its love for Paul and his ministry with its generous […]

The Secret to Recurring Wonders

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

THE SECRET TO RECURRING WONDERS Devotional Thought Wonders can be a recurring event in our lives, but there is a secret to recurring wonders. The men of Ephraim, one of the tribes of Israel, had always enjoyed victories in battles, because of the Lord’s faithfulness to His covenant with Abraham. But their experience in our […]

A Selfless Kind of Prayer

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

A Selfless Kind of Prayer Devotional Thought Intercession, simply put, is a prayer lifted before the altar, which has less or nothing to do with the intercessor. It is a pleading and travailing in prayer for the birthing of God’s will for countries, cities, communities, and individuals; a selfless kind of prayer. There was an […]

The Mistake of Martha

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Mistake of Martha Devotional Thought Martha’s mistake is still being repeated in the church today. Both believers and servants of God are falling for it. Where Martha’s spirit is manifesting, you will see working for God, exalted above walking with God. It is a misplacement of priority, to be grossly committed to the harvest […]

The Path of People’s Opinions

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Path of People’s Opinions Devotional Thought The path of people’s opinion is destructive; if you don’t believe, ask Saul the king. The Lord sent Saul on an errand against the Amalekites with explicit instructions about what to do. He went to execute the assignment but failed to complete his work as instructed. When Samuel […]

The Miracle of God’s Speed.

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Miracle of God’s Speed. Devotional Thought Joseph told Pharaoh, it would take seven years of saving to take care of seven years of famine in Egypt. But, Elisha told the king, that the seven years of famine in Samaria would be terminated, within twenty-four hours. Egypt enjoyed the wisdom of God’s strategic management; Samaria […]

When Love Demands a Compromise

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

It’s OK if He meets them in the synagogue or temple, but hearing Jesus accept an offer to eat bread in the house of one of the chief Pharisees threw my theology off.

The Unstoppable Spirit of the Lord

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Spirit of the Lord is unstoppable. He is a barrier breaker and limitations removing Spirit. No one can stand in His way when He chooses to move.

Wisdom for a Life of Wonder

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

Wisdom for a Life of Wonder Devotional Thought In the first chapter of the book of Acts, Luke referred to the former account he gave about Jesus Christ, to Theophilus in the gospel, according to Luke. In his summary, he revealed wisdom for a life of wonder from Jesus’ life that believers and ministers of […]

The Secret to Rejoicing Always

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Secret to Rejoicing Always Philippians 4:4 (HCSB) “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” Devotional Thought Everyone looks forward to rejoicing every day, if not every second. Rejoicing is a natural human response- when our requests are favorably granted, our prayers are answered, our trial suddenly turns into triumph, and […]

The Walls are Falling Already

The Worth of Our Relationship with Jesus

The Walls are Falling Already Devotional Thought God owns the key that opens every door and the sound that breaks every wall. Thus, no gate or fence can render His promises ineffective. Get ready because the walls are falling already. The gate of Jericho was strictly shut to hinder the people of God from gaining […]